Jordyn Ryder
I am Jordyn Demetrious Eileen Ryder. I started in the industry at age 16. Since then, I have met many wonderful photographers and models, along with a lot of really supportive people. 'Limitless' describes my determination and drive to gain success regarding anything that I am passionate about.
I was born at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and have lived in states such as; North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Something about Pennsylvania always has me coming back, though. I graduated from Fairfield Area School District in the year 2011, and then attended college at HACC, Gettysburg for a year. While I was there, I earned some credits for my general education studies. It was a good time, but I could not determine why I was there. I quickly realized that this type of work interests me the most, and it allows me to be myself.
Hard-working, creative, out-going, fun, professional, mindful, and goofy are words that one may use to describe me. I love doing this as a profession, because I enjoy it. When I go to any type of booking, I make sure that we get the results we are seeking, and that we have a ton of fun in the process. I like to provide creative input, because I am an artist myself. That helps me in this line of work, because it allows me to be familiar with lighting, artistic focus, and dynamic. I take direction well, because of the awareness that I posses. Whether or not you want something tweaked drastically or slightly, you only have to tell me once. Challenges are something that I find enjoyable, so I am willing to work in just about any condition.
My philosophy does not agree with doing full on nude images. When I am posing for photographs, I always keep in mind that one day, my family may come across them, and I want them to always be proud. There are some extremely tasteful artistic nudes out there, and a lot of respectful photographers that take them, but they are not for me. Most of it comes from my personal beliefs, my family's wishes, and the fact that I have no idea where my life will take me. There are rare occasions where I will do implied work, but it would need to be discussed thoroughly.
That being said, I do just about any other type of work. I will do crazy stunts, lingerie, swimsuit, catalog, fashion, pin-up, I even do runway if given the opportunity, but the list does not stop there.
If you are interested in booking me, please feel free to get in touch. I love hearing from new people and I love new creative projects!
Jordyn Ryder

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